Friday, August 19, 2011

Booth on Children

As we get ready fro Georgia's Dedication this Sunday this two William Booth quotes hit home in a strong way:

“I want you to know that the children are His property. They belong to Him. He has bought and paid for them with His precious blood. They are not given you to be your playthings, or to feed your vanity, or to add to your income, or to render you some personal service merely, regardless of the Kingdom of God. You children are the property of Jesus Christ. They are intended to follow in His footsteps, and to be lovers of souls and saviors of men. I want you to realize that Jesus Christ loves you, children. When he said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me” —and He is saying still—-he meant your children. He loved them.”
William Booth, The Founder’s Messages to Soldiers

“Mothers and fathers, captains and lieutenants, sergeants and soldiers, help the little ones! Spend time and money and strength in teaching and training them...Teach them your music, and hurry them on in every possible way to get ready for the fight!”
William Booth, quoted in Cyril Barnes, God’s Army

Forward to that Fight,
Andy Miller III

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